Put your hand in mine tik tok song
Put your hand in mine tik tok song

Kesha, you currently have no credibility with me. Maybe he was attractive 30 years ago, but now he kind of looks like a caricature, or something that got stuck in a drain. I begin to wonder if Kesha has recently seen Mick Jagger. She later tells us she kicks men to the curb unless they look like Mick Jagger. In fact, I think if your goal is to find someone to spend the night with your chances must decrease by quite a bit if your teeth are brown and your breath stinks like a day old Jack and Coke. You can’t defend to me a desire to brush your teeth with whiskey. She goes on to tell us that she brushes her teeth with a bottle of Jack and she explains that this is because when she leaves for the night she’s not coming back. Diddy.” How? I have nothing else to say to that, except, how do you feel like P. To be honest I couldn’t really imagine where she was going to go from the first line of this song. This is the first single I’ve ever heard from Kesha and I can’t really imagine where she’ll go from here. Madonna says to Justin, “ Sometimes I think what I need is a you intervention, yeah,” to which the listener says, “Pardon?” Yet Justin responds with an incomprehensible, “ And you know I can tell that you like it, and that it’s good, by the way that you move, ooh, hey.” Madonna answers Justin with a totally inappropriately placed proverb: “ The road to hell is paved with good intentions, yeah.” At which the listener gives up on these lyrics. At one point, there is a conversation between Justin and Madonna. The lyrics don’t get any better as we look outside the chorus. Either way, this song’s delusion of grandeur is off-putting. Is it with their gift for song? Or are they recommending to us procreation as a vehicle for world redemption? They do after all tell us to grab a boy or a girl. I, the listener, am left unclear on how they are saving the world. Here’s what I gather from these lyrics: Madonna, Justin Timberlake and Timbaland have apparently been commissioned to save the world. 4 Minutes to Save the World (Madonna, featuring Justin Timberlake and Timbaland)

put your hand in mine tik tok song

This girl clearly isn’t interested in you and she doesn’t want to hear all the creepy things you’d do with invisibility. Finally I think you need to face facts, when you tell me “ even when I scream out, baby you don’t hear me.” I become concerned, why are you being so aggressive, there’s no need to scream. “ Wish you could touch me with the colors of your life.” You can’t just make total nonsense poetry by adding words like color and touch. Otherwise when everyone answered the “If you could have any superpower in the world what would it be?” question, more people would say “invisible”. “ If I was invisible, I would be the smartest man.” Clay, either you’re already the smartest man or you aren’t… as far as I know invisibility doesn’t change your IQ. I don’t even like my dog in my room while I change. For one, why would you admit to anyone that if you were invisible you’d watch them in their room? No one wants to hear that. These lyrics are stupid for many reasons. Begs the question, from where did the inspiration for this song come? Not from the heart I think, not from the heart indeed.

put your hand in mine tik tok song

Also how many people are the Backstreet Boys coming in contact with that are on the run? I for one have never met someone on the run, and I think they mostly met 14 year old girls. I’m not saying it’s a deal breaker for sure, but I think we should at least have a conversation about it. You tell me later: “ …it doesn’t really matter if you’re on the run.” Call me old fashioned, but if a guy tells me he’s on the run I become concerned. The chorus really is where they take it home: “ I don’t care who you are, where you’re from, what you did As long as you love me…” Sounds a little desperate. Risking it all in a glance.” Well boys, if you’re blind… risking anything in a glance probably is a little bit crazy. I’m referring to lines like: “ … although loneliness has always been a friend of mine, I’m leaving my life in your hands.” Who are you singing to? Your doctor? Who has your life in their hands? “ People say I’m crazy and that I am blind. It’s like they were singing at a third grade reading level. As Long As You Love Me ( Backstreet Boys)

#Put your hand in mine tik tok song how to

But my real favorite in this ditty is the next prophetic gem: “ If the light is off then it isn’t on.” Waaaaiiiit, if the light is off then it isn’t on? Eureka! I’ve been arguing with my electric providers about how to define ‘off’ for years now! Full lyrics at. And if you and your boyfriend wear the same size jeans, maybe be happy you’re no longer together. If your boyfriend dumps you, just keep his jeans. At least not today, not today, not today”

Put your hand in mine tik tok song